13 Ways to Clear the Cache for SAPUI5, SAP Fiori, and OData

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This is how you clear the cache for SAP Fiori, SAPUI5, and OData services.

Doesn’t your SAPUI5 application reflect the changes you just made?

Learn how to clear those caches or turn them off with this in-depth article.

Let’s get started!

How to Clear Your Cache for SAP Fiori, SAPUI5, OData services, and SAP Gateway

Unfortunately, caching problems are common within SAP Fiori, SAPUI5, OData services, and SAP Gateway.

You have three places where caching happens:

  • Client (SAPUI5 application & SAP Fiori Launchpad)
  • Gateway (SAPUI5 application & OData service)
  • Backend (OData service)

Luckily, this article covers everything you need to know about pulverizing the cache into the nirvana to see your changes reflected.

If you have another option, leave it in a comment and it gets added.

Clear the Client Cache (SAPUI5 application & SAP Fiori Launchpad)

Clear your browser cache: First and foremost, get rid of your browser cache. You can either delete it or open your SAPUI5 app in an incognito window. The incognito window doesn’t use cache. For example, in Chrome, press CTRL + ALT + N to open an incognito window.

Clear the Gateway Cache (SAPUI5 application & SAP Fiori Launchpad & OData service)

Clean your /UI2/ cache (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program /UI2/INVALIDATE_CLIENT_CACHES.

Clean your /UI2/ cache (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program /UI5/UPDATE_CACHEBUSTER. This program lets you manually trigger the cache buster. With an active cache buster, new resources are pulled from the server rather than the browser’s cache. The SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori cache buster is enabled by the SICF service /sap/bc/ui2/flp. Open transaction SICF and navigate to sap > bc > ui2 > flp.

Clear your /UI2/ cache (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program /UI2/INVALIDATE_GLOBAL_CACHES. Use it with caution since it recalculates the target mapping for all users and SAPUI5 apps.

Clean your /UI2/ cache (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program: /UI2/CHIP_SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE. Check that there is no error in /UI2/CHIP_CHDR.

Clear your /UI2/ cache after import of a support package (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program /UI2/DELETE_CACHE_AFTER_IMP.

Clear your /UI5/ cache (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE. SAPUI5’s app index provides indexing and caching for data relating to SAP Fiori apps, components, and libraries.

Clear your ICM (Internet Communication Manager) cache (SAPUI5 & SAP Fiori): Open transaction SMICM. In the top menu, select HTTP plugin > Server Cache > Invalidate Locally. Afterward, invalidate globally too: HTTP plugin > Server Cache > Invalidate Globally. ICM caches HTTP(S) objects before sending them to the client. When an object is requested again, the application will get it from the cache.

Clear your /IWFND/ cache (OData metadata): Open transation /IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP.

Clear your /IWFND/ cache (OData metadata): Open transaction SE38. Execute the program /UI5/UPD_ODATA_METADATA_CACHE. Updates OData cache tokens for back-end systems.

Backend (OData service)

Clean your /IWBEP/ cache (OData metadata): Open transation /IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP.

Disable Caches for SAPUI5, SAP Fiori, and OData Service

Deactivate your SAPUI5 and SAP Fiori cache: Open transaction SU01 or SU03. Set for users the parameters /UI2/CACHE_DISABLE to X and /UI2/PAGE_CACHE_OFF to X.

Deactivate your OData metadata cache: Open transaction SPRO. Navigate to Gateway > OData Channel > Administration > Cache Setting > Metadata.

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